The Apartment Gurus
The Apartment Gurus
Episode 253: Salvatore Buscemi - A Capital Raising Masterclass
Salvatore Buscemi delves into multifamily investments, the influence of tech innovations on real estate, and the nuanced art of raising capital. With his vast experience managing significant investment funds, he shares strategies used by the wealthiest investors, highlighting how demographic trends and geopolitical shifts are redefining investment landscapes. So, better hit play and dial in!
- Importance of continuously engaging with current and potential investors
- Reasons why large family offices prefer substantial deals
- Why now is an opportune time to invest in multifamily properties
- The value of selecting high-potential markets for investment
- How current economic conditions and geopolitical tensions influence investment decisions
- Starlink: https://www.starlink.com/
- SpaceX: https://www.spacex.com/
- Silicon Heartland: https://siliconheartland.com/
We've got a special offer! If you'd like an autographed or Audible version of Salvatore Buscemi's books Investing Legacy: How the .001% Invest and Calling The Capital: 20 Ways to Incorporate Urgency Into Your Capital Raise Without Sounding Desperate, just send an email to Sal@investinglegacy.com. Don't miss out, and grab your copy now!
Salvatore Buscemi is the Managing Partner and Founder of Brahmin Partners. He has a background in Goldman Sachs Investment Banking and co-founded two separate institutional distressed real estate credit platforms. He is a recognized subject matter expert in commercial, industrial, and residential real estate and is a three-time published author. Salvatore also contributes to Entrepreneur Magazine.
- Website: brahmin partners: https://brahminpartners.com/
- Email: sal@investinglegacy.com
Want a list of top-rated real estate conferences, virtual meetups, and mastermind groups? Send Tate an email at tate@glequitygroup.com to learn more about real estate using a relational approach.
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- "If you're in real estate, you should always be raising capital, spend a disproportionate amount of your time talking to current and new investors." - Salvatore Buscemi